Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Plantation tours, slave revolts and historic amnesia are the subjects of my new full length play, ALONG THE RIVER ROAD.  Thanks to everyone who participated in and attended the first reading of the play on Monday, May 5 at the Provincetown Theater.  The actors were incredible, and the feedback was extraordinary. The play is being developed as part of an exciting new theater collaborative:  Four Squared.  Under the auspices of Four Squared, four original plays by four local playwrights will be workshopped over the course of one year. 

Each work will be presented in staged readings four times, once each season over the course of a year, in four venues from the upper Cape to the lower Cape, reaching four different audiences.  The partners each invited a local playwright and asked that they pen a new full length play for up to six actors. Readings take place in the four theaters simultaneously, the first with each playwright in the “home” of their presenter, then rotating between the four venues.

Dates of the remaining three staged readings are scheduled for September 8, November 3, 2014; and February 2, 2015.  A festival of all four plays will be scheduled at the completion of the cycle.  More info on Four Squared, including dates and places of all readings, available at http://www.cotuitcenterforthearts.org/experience-art/four-squared-a-collaborative-theater-project

I'm honored to be representing the Provincetown Theater in this new venture.  Other featured playwrights are Bronwen Prosser (Cotuit Center for the Arts), Susan Kosoff (Harwich Junior Theatre),  and Joe Richards (Woods Hole Theater Company).  The program is funded by generous support from the Kaplan Foundation.

In rehearsal for ALONG THE RIVER ROAD.  Left to right:  June Douglas-White, Racine Oxtoby, Sallie Tighe, Don Collins, and Fred Biddle. 
Director Sunie Pope faces the cast.  Photo by Brian Carlson, who read stage directions.